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Previous Year's One Word Substitution Series Four

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Previous Year's One Word Substitution Series Four

Question No 01. To seize control of a vehicle in order to force it to go to a new destination, or demand something is called?

      (S.O Exam 2003)
  1. Detour(चक्कर )
  2. Contract(अनुबंध )
  3. Hijack(अपहरण करना )
  4. Attack(आक्रमण करना )
Answer: Hijack

Question No 02. Lasting only for a moment is called?

       (S.O Exam 2003)
  1. Trivial(तुच्छ )
  2. Petty(क्षुद्र )
  3. Momentary(क्षणिक )
  4. Momentous(जरुरी , महत्वपूर्ण )
Answer: Momentary

Question No 03. One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain is called?

                   (S.O Exam 2003)
  1. Psychic(मानसिक )
  2. Stylist(स्टाइलिस्ट )
  3. Cynic(निंदक )
  4. Stoic(उदासीन )
Answer: Stoic

Question No 04. That which lasts for a short time is called?

    (Tax Assistant 2004)
  1. Repository(भंडार , कोष )
  2. Transitory(क्षणसाथी )
  3. Regular(लगातार )
  4. Rotatory(अंग को घुमाने वाला पेशी )
Answer: Transitory

Question No 05. Constant efforts to achieve something is called?

        (Tax Assistant 2004)
  1. Patience(धीरज )
  2. Vigour(पौरुष )
  3. Perseverance(दृढ़ता )
  4. Attempt(प्रयास )
Answer: Perseverance

Question No 06. A person who believes in total abolition of war is called?

           (Tax Assistant 2004)
  1. Pacifist(शांतिवादी )
  2. Communist(साम्यवादी )
  3. Fascist(फासिस्ट )
  4. Socialist(समाजवादी )
Answer: Pacifist

Question No 07. A four footed animal is called?

          (Tax Assistant 2004)
  1. Polyped(
  2. Double-Paired(दो जोड़ा )
  3. Quadruped(चार पैर का जानवर )
  4. Tetrapod(चार पैर का कीड़ा )
Answer; Quadruped

Question No 08. Ready to believe anything is called?

       (Tax Assistant 2004)
  1. Credible(विश्वशनीय )
  2. Incredible(अविश्वश्नीय )
  3. Incredulous(संदेह करने वाला )
  4. Credulous(विश्वासशील )
Answer:  Credulous

Question No 09. One who pretends(नाटक ) to be what he is not

        (Stenographer Gr D 2005)
  1. Mimic(बहुरुपिया )
  2. Hypocrite(पाखंडी )
  3. Prophet(अल्लाह )
  4. Connoisseur(पारखी )
Answer: Hypocrite

Question No 10. A book of names and addresses is called?

    (Stenographer Gr D 2005)
  1. Manual(गाइड )
  2. Catalogue(सूची )
  3. Diary(दैनिकी )
  4. Directory(निर्देशिका  )
Answer: Directory

Question No 11. The study of physical life or living matter is called?

          (Stenographer Gr D 2005)
  1. Zoology(प्राणिविज्ञान )
  2. Psychology(मनोविज्ञान )
  3. Biology(जीवविज्ञान )
  4. Physiology(शरीरक्रिया विज्ञानं )
Answer; Physiology

Question No 12. A state of being married to only one person at a particular time is called?

      (Stenographer Gr D 2005)
  1. Polygamy(बहुविवाह )
  2. Monogamy(एक विवाह )
  3. Patrimony(विरासत )
  4. Polyandry(बहुपति प्रथा )
Answer: Monogamy

Question No 13. One who is beyond reform(सुधार ) is called?

    (Statistical Investigator Gr IV 2005)
  1. Optimistic(आशावादी )
  2. Indefatigable(अथक )
  3. Notorious(कुख्यात )
  4. Incorrigible(असंशोधनीय )
Answer: Incorrigible

Question No 14. Science of diseases is called?

   (Statistical Investigator Gr IV 2005)
  1. Psychology(मनोविज्ञान )
  2. Virology(विषाणु विज्ञान )
  3. Pathology(रोग लक्षण विद्या )
  4. Philology(भाषाशास्त्र )
Answer: Pathology

Question No 15. One who believes in no government and therefore incites disorder in a state is called?

       (Statistical Investigator Gr IV 2005)
  1. Autocrat(अनियंत्रित शासक )
  2. Anarchist(अराजकतावादी )
  3. Naxalite(उग्रवादी )
  4. Monorchist(राजतन्त्रवादी )
Answer: Anarchist

Question No 16. A mild (सौम्य )or indirect expression substituted for an offensive or harsh one is called?

       (Statistical Investigator Gr IV 2005)
  1. Euphemism(मधुर शब्द का प्रयोग करनेवाला )
  2. Altruism(परोपकारी )
  3. Favouritism(पक्षपात )
  4. Truism(स्वयं सिद्ध )
Answer: Euphemism

Question No 17. The murder of parent or a near relative is called?

        (Statistical Investigator Gr IV 2005)
  1. Patricide(पिता का हत्या )
  2. Matricide(माता का हत्या )
  3. Parricide(पिता का हत्या )
  4. Homicide(मानव हत्या )
Answer: Patricide

Question No 18. Animals who live in herds(झुण्ड ) is called?

                (Statistical Investigator Gr IV 2005)
  1. Social(सामजिक )
  2. Carnivorous(मांसभक्षी  )
  3. Gregarious(झुण्ड में रहने वाला )
  4. Sociable(मिलनसार )
Answer: Gregarious

Question No 19. A broad road bordered with trees is called?

                (Statistical Investigator Gr IV 2005)
  1. Avenue(मार्ग )
  2. Boudoir(स्त्री का बैठने का कमरा )
  3. Boulevard(मुख्य मार्ग )
  4. Facade(अग्रभाग )
Answer: Boulevard

Question No 20. Violation of something holy or sacred is called?

             (Statistical Investigator Gr IV 2005)
  1. Sedition(विद्रोह )
  2. Slander(बदनामी )
  3. Profanity(गालियां बकने की क्रिया )
  4. Sacrilege(अपवित्रीकरण )
Answer: Sacrilege

Question No 21.  A system of Government in which only one political party is allowed to function is called?

                (Section Office, Audit, Exam 2005)
  1. Theocracy(धर्मतंत्र )
  2. Dictatorship(तानाशाही )
  3. Oligarchy(कुलीनतंत्र )
  4. Totalitarianism(एकदलवाद )
Answer: Totalitarianism

Question No 22. A body of persons appointed to hear evidence and give their verdict in trials is called?

                 (Section Office, Audit, Exam 2005)
  1. Jury(पंचायत )
  2. Bar(अदालत , शराब घर )
  3. Association(संगति )
  4. Council(परिषद )
Answer: Jury

Question No 23. Simple, fast spreading plant without flowers or leaves, which can often cause disease is called?

             (Section Officer, Commercial Audit Exam 2005)
  1. Fungus(कवक )
  2. Amoeba(अमीबा )
  3. Virus(विषाणु )
  4. Bacteria(जीवाणु )
Answer: Fungus

Question No 24. A person without training or experience in a skill or subject is called?

         (Section Officer, Commercial Audit Exam 2005)
  1. Artisan(शिल्पी )
  2. Novice(नौसिखिया )
  3. Mason(राजमिस्त्री )
  4. Chaplin
Answer: Novice

Question No 25. One who is greedy 

                  (Section Officer, Commercial Audit Exam 2005)
  1. Omnivorous(सर्वभक्षक )
  2. Avaricious(लालची )
  3. Voracious(पेटू )
  4. Carnivorous(मांसभक्षी )
Answer: Avaricious

Question No 26. Dissection (विच्छेदन )of a dead body to find out the cause of death is called?

        (Section Officer, Commercial Audit Exam 2005)
  1. Biopsy(ऊतकों का जाँच )
  2. Surgery(शल्य चिकित्सा )
  3. Autopsy(शव परीक्षण )
  4. Investigation(जांच पड़ताल )
Answer: Autopsy

Question No 27. One who is indifferent to pleasure or pain is called?

            (Section Officer, Commercial Audit Exam 2005)
  1. Stoic(उदासीन )
  2. Ascetic(तपस्वी )
  3. Esoteric(गुप्त )
  4. Sceptical(नास्तिक )
Answer: Stoic

Question No 28. The study of religion and religious ideas and beliefs is called?

          (Section Officer, Commercial Audit Exam 2005)
  1. Theology(धर्मशास्त्र )
  2. Theocracy(धर्मतंत्र )
  3. Theism(ईश्वरवाद )
  4. Theosophy(अध्यात्मविद्या )
Answer: Theology

Question No 29. A place where jews(यहूदी ) worship according to their religion is called?

          (Section Officer, Commercial Audit Exam 2005)
  1. Chapel(पूजा घर )
  2. Cathedral(प्रधान गिरजा घर )
  3. Demagogue(दुर्जनो का नेता )
  4. Synagogue(यहूदियों का प्रार्थना घर  )
Answer: Synagogue

Question No 30. An area of land that is controlled by a ruler is called?

                 (Section Officer, Commercial Audit Exam 2005)
  1. Colony(उपनिवेश )
  2. Country(देश )
  3. Municipality(नगरपालिका )
  4. Dominion(रियासत  )
Answer: Dominion

For One Word Substitution Series Five, Click Here.

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